Recently, Anthrax Sportswear made a financial donation to the organization "Drasi gia to kati allo", an organization that has created an equitable and different environment for caring for individuals with disabilities. «Drasi gia to kati allo» or in English «Movement for Change» began with a small team of university graduates who have been involved in disability issues for years. Over time, the group expanded to include more compassionate individuals.

At the heart of their multifaceted efforts lies the Center for Creative Employment (CCE-DA), which daily serves more than 45 beneficiaries. They also organize entertainment, awareness, and information events for the local and broader community. They collaborate closely with academic and medical institutions and organizations for knowledge exchange and experience sharing, as well as scientific support.
The organization is carefully structured and consists of the Board of Directors, the Interdisciplinary Team, volunteer groups, as well as parents and friends of individuals with disabilities. Their vision is a society that embraces all its members, with genuine respect for human rights, without exceptions. They believe in the principles of equal opportunities and the observance of basic human rights for everyone, regardless of their uniqueness.

The creative department of Anthrax designed athletic socks for the employees of the organization, recognizing the value of their educational program.

Christina and Nicoleta, two members of the Anthrax Sportswear team, personally visited the organization in Thessaloniki to deliver the socks. It was a precious moment as the workers of “Movement for Change” expressed their appreciation for this small yet significant gift.

In the photo, you can see Christina from Anthrax Sales, Aspasia & Matthaios, responsible for the Action Department, Valeria, a volunteer, and Nikoleta from Anthrax Marketing.

This initiative is part of Anthrax Sportswear’s broader commitment to social contribution. We believe that businesses also have a responsibility to positively impact society and promote equality and inclusion. We are proud of this initiative and hope it will encourage others to follow suit. Together, we can make the world a better place for all of us.

Additionally, the organization gifted us a tote bag and a calendar, adding even more value to our initiative.
We are grateful for everything!